PRIX Annelie de Man 2021
Orgelpark Amsterdam, 1 -5 December 2021
The harpsichord is usually associated with early music, but it also
offers a rich sound palette for composers and performers of contemporary music. Annelie de Man (1943–2010) was a true ambassador of the modern harpsichord.
From Wednesday, December 1, to Sunday, December 5, the Orgelpark's programming will revolve around the prize named after her: the Prix Annelie de Man. The festival's core includes two competitions: an interpretation competition for young harpsichordists and a composition competition. Naturally, these young composers also write for the harpsichord. The juries feature notable musicians, including Jane Chapman and Kristian Nyquist (interpretation competition) and Guus Janssen and Ere Lievonen (composition competition). The artistic direction of the festival is in the hands of composer Roderik de Man and recorder player Jorge Isaac, who is associated with the ensemble-in-residence, Black Pencil.
The program offers a series of dazzling concerts featuring many new pieces: improvisations, works with electronics, modern classics by composers like Iannis Xenakis, and performances with a wide variety of ensembles.

Het klavecimbel associëren we meestal met oude muziek, maar ook voor componisten en uitvoerders van hedendaagse muziek biedt het instrument een rijk klankpalet. Annelie de Man (1943-2010) was een waar ambassadeur van het moderne klavecimbel.
Van woensdag 1 tot en met zondag 5 december staat de programmering
van het Orgelpark in het teken van de naar haar vernoemde prijs: de Prix
Annelie de Man. Kern van het festival vormen twee concoursen: een
interpretatieconcours voor jonge klavecinisten en een compositieconcours.
Uiteraard schrijven deze jonge componisten ook voor het klavecimbel. In de
beide jury's treffen we interessante musici, onder wie Jane Chapman en
Kristian Nyquist (interpretatieconcours) en Guus Janssen en Ere Lievonen
(compositieconcours). De artistieke leiding van het festival is in handen van
componist Roderik de Man en blokfluitist Jorge Isaac, die verbonden is aan
ensemble-in-residence Black Pencil.
Het programma biedt een reeks wervelende concerten met veel nieuwe
stukken. Improvisaties, werken met elektronica, moderne klassiekers; van
Iannis Xenakis, en optredens met meest uiteenlopende bezettingen.
Festival program
Wednesday 01 December 2021
20:15 Opening Concert
Thursday 02 December 2021
11:00 – 13:00 Harpsichord competition - Semifinals
20:15 Evening Concert - Black Pencil
22:00 Late Night Special - Rembrandt Frerichs Trio
Friday 03 December 2021
14:15-18:00 Symposium ‘The 21 st Century Harpsichord’
20:15 Evening Concert - Composers Competition
Saturday 04 December 2021
10:00 – 12:00 Harpsichord competition - Finals
20:15 Evening Concert - Jury and former winners concert
Sunday 05 December 2021
20:15 Closing Concert + Winners announcement
Concert programmes
Opening Concert
Wednesday 01 December 2021, 20:15 hrs
Opening words by Johan Luijmes – Orgelpark
Opening words by Roderik de Man – PRIX Annelie de Man
Nina Fukuoka: how to jouïssance (2019)
Goska Isphording (harpsichord & electronics)
François-Bernard Mâche (1935): Solstice (1975)
Ere Lievonen (harpsichord) & Anne Veinberg (organ)
Martin Scheuregger: Mechanical Asynchronicity III (2019)
Jane Chapman (harpsichord & electronics)
Eggert, Moritz (1965): Hierarchie (2019) for large ensemble
Harpsichordists: Jane Chapman, Anne Veinberg, Ere Lievonen (organ), Jorge
Isaac (blockflute), Matthijs Koene (panflute), Esra Pehlivanli (viola), Marko
Kassl (accordion), Enric Monfort (percussion), Conservatorium van
Amsterdam ensemble
Ensemble Barmy57 performs Pop and Jazz classics which originally used
Stranglers “Golden Brown”
Yardbirds “For your love”
Duke Ellington “A single petal of a rose” (dedicated to Antoinette Vischer)
Genesis “I know what I like”
Barmy57: Jos Zwaanenburg (Artistic Director)
Evening Concert: Jury and former winners concert
Saturday 04 December 2021, 20:15 hrs
Roderik de Man (1941): Wait a minute (2000)
For Sound Track. Visuals by Annelie de Man
Mauricio Kagel (1931-2008): Recitativarie (1971-72)
Victoria Lerche- harpsichord
Stefano Paparozzi (1986): Tenuto (2020)
Winner of the composition prize Prix Annelie de Man 2020
Ere Lievonen – harpsichord, Anne Veinberg - piano
Guus Janssen (1951): improvisation
Guus Janssen - harpsichord and organ
Piotr Peszat (1990): New work (2021) *
Gosia Klajn - harpsichord & electronics
Roderik de Man (1941): Turbulenza di Protoni (2011)
Matthijs Koene – panflute, Geerten van de Wetering - organ
Andys Skordis (1983): Uz… u (2020) *
Winner of the Black Pencil Prize 2020
Jorge Isaac – blockflute,
Matthijs Koene – panflute,
Esra Pehlivanli – viola,
Marko Kassl – accordion,
Enric Monfort – percussion,
Ere Lievonen - harpsichord
Aart Strootman (1987): Anachronism #1 (2018)
Winner of the composition prize Prix Annelie de Man 2018
Jane Chapman (harpsichord), Ere Lievonen (harpsichord), Kristian Nyquist
(harpsichord), Silvia Marquez (harpsichord)
Peter Jakober: Iedent (2020) *
Silvia Marquez and Maja Mijatović (harpsichord)
* World premiere
Evening Concert: ‘Black Pencil’ - Compositions written for the
Black Pencil Prize 2021
Thursday 02 December 2021, 20:15 hrs
Florence Anna Maunders: Desert Spaces *
for Recorder, Panflute, Viola, Accordion and Percussion
Erik Valdemar Sköld: Álfheimr *
for Recorder, Panflute, Viola, Accordion and Percussion
* World premiere
Black Pencil:
Jorge Isaac (blockflute)
Matthijs Koene (panflute)
Esra Pehlivanli (viola)
Marko Kassl (accordion)
Enric Monfort (percussion)
Special guests:
Ere Lievonen (harpsichord, organ)
Marcel Wierckx (video)
DJ DNA - Arjan de Vrede
Late Night Special: Rembrandt Frerichs Trio
Thursday 02 December 2021, 22:00 hrs
Rembrandt Frerichs - keyboard, harpsichord, organ
Vinsent Planjer – percussion
Tony Overwater - bass
Special guests: Black Pencil
Closing concert / Winners Announcement
Sunday 05 April 2021, 20:15 hrs
Hugo Morales Murguia (1979): Plektron (2011)
Goska Isphording - harpsichord & electronics
Tero Lanu (1975): Introduction and Dance (2017)
Ugly Pug ensemble: Juho Myllylä – blockflutes, Miron Andres - viola da
gamba, Wesley Shen – harpsichord
Petra Stump: Möge die Übung gelingen (2020)
Maja Mijatović (harpsichord)
Apollonio Maiello: nieuw werk (2021)
Ugly Pug ensemble: Juho Myllylä – blockflutes,
Miron Andres - viola da gamba,
Wesley Shen – harpsichord and electronics
Giovanni de Macque (c1550–1614): Prima Gagliarda (from GB-Lbl: MS
Add. 30491)
Giovanni Picchi (1571/2 –1643): Pass’e Mezzo (from Balli d’Arpicordo,
Venice, 1620)
Anonimus: Canzona detta “La bella vita”
Menno van Delft – harpsichord
Robert van Heumen (1968): KP6-3.7 (2018)
Robert van Heumen (Utopa organ & electronics)
Roderik de Man (1941) - Buffoni XL (2013, rev. 2021)
Gosia Klajn – harpsichord
Victoria Lerche – harpsichord